I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
The following activities are written as examples of lessons that can be explored with students during reading of the text.
nā Hera Black-Taute
He whakarāpopototanga
Overview of the Story
Kei te kāinga a Ngahuia rāua ko tōna pāpā. Ka oho ake a Rūaumoko ka rū te whenua, ka haruru te whare. Ka tohua a Ngahuia e tōna pāpā kia noho ki raro i te tēpu. I te mataku a Ngahuia kātahi ka kite mai ia i tōna kurī, ā, ka tere atu ki tana taha. I taua wā tonu ka papahoro mai te tuanui ki raro. He waimarie ia kāore ia i tino whara. Mai i taua wā ka whakatau a Ngahuia ki te whakarongo
ki tōna pāpā.
Ngahuia is at home with her father when an earthquake strikes. Her father tells her to stay under the table where it is safe. Ngahuia is scared and when she sees her dog across the room she goes to the dog just as the ceiling falls. Ngahuia is hit. Fortunately she is not seriously hurt. Ngahuia vows to listen to her father from then on. |
Te momo reo tuhi
Language style
- He tuhinga taki (Personal recount)
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi
Features of this language style
- Te reo tautahi (First person voice)
- Ka titiro whakarunga ka kite au i ngā rama e pīoioi ana.
- Tere tonu taku huri ki tua …
- Te whakamahi kupumahi hei whakaahua i ngā mahi (Verbs)
- Kua kaha te papu o tōku manawa.
- E ngau ana tōku puku.
He ngohe
1. Tangohia ngā tohu tuhituhi i te kōrero ka hoatu ki ngā ākonga. Mā te ākonga e whakauru ngā tohu tuhituhi kia tika.
Teacher to provide students with the text (having removed and/or jumbled punctuation of the text beforehand). Students to enter the correct punctuation. |
2. Kimihia tētahi kupu matua mai i te pānui, tētahi kupu hou, tētahi kupu pai ki a koe rānei, kātahi ka tuhi i tētahi rotarota pangakupu e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa o te kōrero.
Identify one of the main words, or a new or interesting word to you, within the text then create an acrostic poem using that word that relates to the topic of the story. |
3. Wetewetehia ngā kaupapa i taki pēnei i te ināhea?, i aha?, ko wai?, i hea?, he aha ai?
- Tuhia he whakarāpopototanga o te kōrero mā te whakamahi i ēnei āhuatanga.