He Tirohanga Whānui me ngā Āhuatanga Reo
Overview of Stories and their Language Features
E whitu ngā kōrero o roto i te pukapuka He Kohikohinga 55. Kei ngā whārangi e whai ake nei he paku whakamārama mō ia kōrero. Kua tohua te momo reo tuhi, ōna āhuatanga, me ētahi tauira nō roto tonu i ia kōrero. Ko te whāinga, kia āhei ngā ākonga ki te torotoro i te whānuitanga o ngā momo reo tuhi me ngā āhuatanga o tēnā, o tēnā momo tuhituhi.
There are seven pieces of writing in the book He Kohikohinga 55. The following pages provide a brief overview of each story, the language style, features of the language style and some examples from the story. The intention is that students will begin to gain an understanding of the range of language styles and their features. |
nā Hera Black-Taute
He taki whaiaro (Personal recount)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
Kei te kāinga a Ngahuia rāua ko tōna pāpā. Ka oho ake a Rūaumoko ka rū te whenua, ka haruru te whare. Ka tohua a Ngahuia e tōna pāpā kia noho ki raro i te tēpu. I te mataku a Ngahuia kātahi ka kite mai ia i tōna kurī, ā, ka tere atu ki tana taha. I taua wā tonu ka papahoro mai te tuanui ki raro. He waimarie ia kāore ia i tino whara. Mai i taua wā ka whakatau a Ngahuia ki te whakarongo ki tōna pāpā.
Ngahuia is at home with her father when an earthquake strikes. Her father tells her to stay under the table where it is safe. Ngahuia is scared and when she sees her dog across the room she goes to the dog just as the ceiling falls. Ngahuia is hit. Fortunately she is not seriously hurt. Ngahuia vows to listen to her father from then on. |
Tōku Oranga
nā Te Puawai Wilson-Leahy
nā Tipene Watson
He tuhinga whakangahau (Writing to stimulate the mind and uplift the spirit)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
He rotarota ēnei e hāngai ana ki te korikori tinana.
Two poems about physical activity. |
nā Juanita Teepa
He tuhinga taki whānui (General recount)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
Kei te kipakipa te manawa o Te Rina. Ko te rā haumaru tēnei i te kura, ā, kei te haere ētahi tapuhi ki tana akomanga. Ka āta whakarongo a Te Rina ki ngā kōrero a ngā tapuhi. Nāwai rā, i taua rangi tonu, ka whai wāhi a Te Rina ki te whakamahi i tāna i mau ai, hei āwhina i tana tungāne, a Pāora.
Te Rina is excited. It is safety day at school and a group of nurses are visiting her class. She listens carefully to what the nurses have to share. Later that very same day Te Rina must apply what she has learned in order to help her brother, Pāora. |
Te Hanga Kete Whakaora Whāwhai
nā Waitangi Teepa
He tuhinga tohutohu (Writing to instruct)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
He momo tuhinga tohutohu tēnei e whakaraupapa ana i ngā taputapu hei whakauru atu ki tētahi kete whakaora whāwhai.
This article shows you what you will need to compile your own personal first aid kit. |
Kei te Tākaro te Akomanga 15 me Te Tākaro Kī-o-Rahi
nā Sue Gibbison ngā kōrero, nā Waitangi Teepa i whakamāori
He taki whānui (General recount)
He tuhinga tohutohu (Writing to instruct)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
Kei te whakanui te akomanga a Atareta rāua ko Zoe i a Matariki. Kei te aro atu te akomanga 15 ki te tākaro Kī-o-rahi.
Atareta and Zoe’s class are celebrating Matariki. Room 15 are learning about the game Kī-o-rahi. |
Ko Rahi me te Iwi Patupaiarehe
nā Sue Gibbison ngā kōrero, nā Waitangi Teepa i whakamāori
He tuhinga pūrākau whakamārama (Writing naratives that explain the origin of aspects of our world)
Tirohia tēnei whārangi.
Ka kahakina a Ti-ara e tētahi iwi patupaiarehe, nā, ko te roanga o te pūrākau nei ko tā Rahi whai atu i a ia. He pūrākau e whakamārama ana i te ahunga mai o te tākaro Kī-o-rahi.
Ti-ara, the wife of Rahi is kidnapped by patupaiarehe. The story tells of Rahi’s quest to find her and of how the game Kī-o-Rahi came to be. |