He Kupu Whakataki
“Ko te reo Māori te kākahu o te whakaaro, te huarahi i te ao tūroa.”
nā Tā Hēmi Henare, 1984
Ko te huinga pukapuka He Kohikohinga, he kohinga kōrero nō neherā, nō ēnei rangi tonu anō, mā te hunga tamariki. E hāngai ana He Kohikohinga ki ngā ākonga kei ngā tau 4–6. Ko te arotahinga o tēnei putanga, ko ētahi mahi hākinakina.
He Kohikohinga series is a collection of contemporary stories compiled to appeal to students in years 4–6. This issue focuses on stories about particular sports and physical activities.
Te Whāinga o Tēnei Pukapuka
He mea waihanga tēnei pukapuka hei tautoko i ngā pouako ki te:
- tautohu hononga ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- tautohu hononga ki Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori
- whakahāngai i ngā kōrero o te putanga nei ki ngā hōtaka reo matatini a te kura
- whakawhānui i ngā horopaki me ngā whakamahinga o tēnei pukapuka, mā te whakatauira i ngā momo ngohe ako
- tīpako i ētahi rautaki ako hei taunaki i ngā pūkenga reo me te mātauranga e arotahitia ana i roto i tēnā, i tēnā paki.
The notes are designed to support teachers to:
- identify appropriate links to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- identify appropriate links to Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori
- identify possible ways in which to apply the text to school literacy programmes
- extend the context and application possibilities of the text through learning activities
- identify possible learning strategies that reinforce the language skills and content knowledge within each story.