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He Kohikohinga Ministry of Education.

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Ngā hononga ki te Marautanga


Taumata 2
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Kia kōtuituia ēnei āhuatanga ki ngā whenū katoa: Te Wairua
Ngā Tikanga
Te Reo
Ngā uarā me ngā waiaro





1. Ka whakaputa whakaaro mō ngā momo kai, me te pānga o aua kai ki tōna tipu.

 2. Ka tautohu me te whakapuaki i ōna whakaaro, i ōna hiahia e pā ana ki tōna tipu.

3. Ka whakaatu i ngā tikanga māmā o te noho haumaru me ngā pūnaha haumaru i roto i ngā horopaki huhua.

Āhuatanga kōiri
1. Ka whakapakari i tana mōhio ki te tūhono i ētahi pūkenga koiri e tutuki pai ai ētahi raupapa koiri.

Whakamhinga Pūkenga Koiri
2. Ka whai tonu i ngā momo tākaro me ngā momo koiri e pārekareka ana ki a ia, me te whakaahua i ngā hua oranga.

3. Ka whakawhanake i ngā whakaaro, i ngā tikanga me ngā ture tōtika o āna mahi tākaro.

Hononga ki a Ranginui rāua ko Papa-tū-ā-nuku
1.Ka whakawhiti kōrero e pā ana ki te hirangatanga o Papa-tū-ā-nuku rāua ko Ranginui ki te oranga tangata.

Hohonga ki ētahi atu Taiao
2. Ka tautohu, ka whakaputa whakaaro mō ngā āhuatanga pārekareka o ngā taiao e taunga ana ia.

1. Ka whakaatu i ngā huarahi hei whai, hei whakaū, hei whakakaha ake i ngā hononga i waenganui i te tokorua , i te rōpū, i ngā horopaki huhua hoki.

Huatau o te whanaungatanga
2. Ka torotoro atu ki ngā uara, ngā waiaro me ngā haepapa a te tangata hei whakapiki i te oranga o te whānau, te hapū me te iwi

Hei Mahi

  1. Give the play to a group of eight. Their task is to familiarise themselves with the play, rehearse and perform it for an audience.
  2. Photocopy the story. Cut out the text. Lay the pictures out. Randomly group the students into pairs. Tell them their task is to retell the story. One student retells. Their partner listens and gives feedback. Then, students swap roles.
  3. Tell the students they are learning about illustrating a story. Choose one page from the story and discuss how the illustrator uses pictures to support the text. Paste the text from each page onto individual blank sheets of paper. Tell the students, “Ko tā koutou mahi he tā pikitia hei kīnaki i ngā kōrero.” Randomly group the students into threes. Each group then describes the thinking behind their picture to another group. Discourage the students from copying the picture from the student book. Encourage them to be creative. Display these as a wall story or staple as a large picture book.

Ki runga ^

Ngā hononga

Ngā whakaputanga tā o 'Mā te Pouako'

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