He Tirohanga Whānui me ngā Āhuatanga Reo
E whā ngā kōrero o roto i te pukapuka He Kohikohinga 56. Kei ngā whārangi e whai ake nei he paku whakamārama mō ia kōrero. Kua tohua te momo reo tuhi, ōna āhuatanga, me ētahi tauira nō roto tonu i te pukapuka. Ko te whāinga, kia āhei ngā ākonga ki te torotoro i te whānuitanga o ngā momo reo tuhi me ngā āhuatanga o tēnā, o tēnā momo tuhituhi.
Overview of Stories and their Language Features
There are four stories in the book He Kohikohinga 56. The following pages provide a brief overview of each story, the language style, features of the language style, and some examples from the story. The intention is that students will begin to understand the range of language styles and their features.