He Pī Pītakataka, nā Pānia Tāhau-Hodges
He whakarāpopototangaKo tēnei tuhinga he pakiwaituhi mō te kaha o Hana ki te whakapakari i āna mahi pī pītakataka. Nā tōna kaha, ka tutuki pai tana whakamātautau tuatahi.
Summary | |
Te momo reo tuhi Language style |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi Features of this language style |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
Pānuihia te pūrākau ki te akomanga. Hoatu he kape o te pūrākau ki ngā ākonga, engari kua mukua atu ētahi kupu, ētahi kōrero. Mā ngā ākonga e waihanga mai ā rātou ake kōrero hei whakakī i aua wāhi e wātea ana, ā, ka pānui atu i ngā kōrero hou ki te akomanga.
Read the story to the class. Provide each student with a copy of the story with some of the text removed. Ask students to put in their own text and share their new story with the class.
Tohua ngā ākonga kia kimihia ngā kīwaha katoa i te pūrākau. Ka tuhia e rātou ia kīwaha ki tētahi rerenga kōrero hei whakaatu i tō rātou māramatanga ki taua kīwaha.
Instruct the students to find all the idioms in the story. For each idiom, ask them to write a sentence to show its use in context.
Ōhia manomanotia ētahi whāinga mahi. Tohua ngā ākonga kia kōwhiri i tētahi o ngā whāinga i raro nei, ka whakahāngai ki tētahi o ā rātau mahi ako.
Hei tauira:
– Hei te mutunga o tēnei pūrākau, ka taea e au te rangahau, te waihanga, te whakaatu hoki i tētahi whakaaturanga ā-hiko e whakamārama ana i tētahi kēmu …
– Hei te mutunga o tēnei pūrākau, ka taea e au te rangahau, te waihanga, te whakaatu hoki i tētahi tūtohi e whakaahua ana i tētahi kēmu.
– Hei te mutunga o tēnei pūrākau, ka taea e au te whakaako i tētahi kēmu ki ētahi atu.Brainstorm some task objectives. Students write down or personalise one of the following goals.
For example:
– By the end of this story, I will be able to research, design, and share an electronic presentation explaining a game.
– By the end of this story, I will be able to research, design, and present a wall chart explaining a game.
– By the end of this story, I will be able to teach a game to others.