I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka
Before Reading
Matapakihia te kaupapa o te pukapuka. Tohua a Rēkohu, a Rangiaurii hoki i runga i tētahi mahere o Aotearoa. Whakamāramahia atu ko wai ngā tāngata whenua o reira.
Introduce the story by discussing the theme of the book. Locate Rēkohu (largest island in the Chatham Island group) and Rangiaurii (Pitt Island, second largest island in Chatham Island group) on a map of New Zealand. Discuss who the indigenous people of the Chatham Islands are. -
Me mahi takitahi, ā-rōpū rānei ngā ākonga ki te whakatakoto pātai mō ngā Moriori, ā, ka kimi i ngā whakautu i a rātou e pānui ana i te pukapuka, i ētahi atu rauemi rānei.
Work individually or in groups to establish questions about Moriori, and to find answers in the book, or from other sources of information. Ka mahi takitahi te ākonga ki te tohu i ō rātou tūrangawaewae i runga i tētahi mahere o Aotearoa, o wāhi kē rānei. Mā te pouako e whakairi ki roto i te akomanga i te taha o ngā pepeha o ngā ākonga.
Students to work individually to locate their tūrangawaewae on a map of New Zealand, or other map. The teacher to hang up a poster on the wall with student’s pepeha.