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He Kohikohinga Ministry of Education.

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Ahakoa he iti

nā Mereana Maika

This is a short piece of poetry writing describing the features and characteristics of a person. It describes someone important and relates to the whakatauākī “Ahakoa he iti, he mapihi pounamu.”

Ngā hononga ki te marautanga

Te Reo Māori i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa (wh 60, 68, 77, 86, 95, me 103)

Whenu Whakarongo (Kōrero)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Ka whakarongo, ka mārama, ka pāhekoheko te ākonga kia mau, kia roa ai ngā whiriwhiri ā-rōpū i ngā tūmomo horopaki ako katoa.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te mārama ki ētahi rerenga kīwaha.
Whenu Kōrero (Whakarongo)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Ka taea e te ākonga te kōrero, te pātai, te whakaputa ōna ake whakaaro ki te hunga ākonga, ā, me raupapa, me mārama te kōrero.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te whakamahi i te huhua o ngā kupu kua āta ākona e ia.
Whenu Pānui (Tuhituhi)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Ka taea e te ākonga te tīpako mai me te pānui ngā tuhinga, hei whakangahau, hei whakaea hoki i ngā kaupapa kua whakaritea.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te whakamahi i ngā rautaki pānui hei āwhina i te pānui kupu hou, kīanga hou rānei.
Whenu Tuhituhi (Pānui)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Me mārama, me whai hua tā te ākonga, tāna tuhi i ngā momo tuhinga huhua noa.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te tīpako i te momo tuhituhi e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa me te pūtake o te kōrero.
Whenu Mātakitaki (Whakaatu)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Ka mātakitaki, ka mārama te ākonga ki ngā momo reo ataata, reo ā-waha, me te mōhio anō ki te pānga o tētahi ki tētahi.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te tāutu i te hononga o te reo ataata ki te reo ā-waha.
Whenu Whakaatu (Mātakitaki)
Kōeke 3
Whāinga paetae Ka taea e te ākonga te whakamahi ngātahi te reo ā-waha me te reo ataata kia puta ai ngā pānga e hiahiatia ana.
Ngā pūkenga Ko te whakamahi i tētahi āhuatanga reo ataata e whai hua ai te kōrero.

Hei mahi

  1. In groups the students are provided with different pictures, or a photo of a person, – a baby, a young child, or an adult. Encourage the students to describe certain features of that person e.g. long hair – makawe roa, little ears – taringa iti.
  2. The students share their descriptions. A list of comparative words – kupu taurite is created with the students.
  3. a. Read Ahakoa he iti with the students. In pairs or small groups the students create their text using the sentence structure from story, Ahakoa he _________ tōku / ōku __________
    e. The students will replace words from text to make a new poem. The students will be provided with a list of strong verbs (kupu mahi), adjectives (kupu āhua), and nouns (kupu ingoa) or pronouns (tūpou) to add deeper features to their poems.
  4. a. The students read the text and think of someone they know who has the same attributes as the person in the text, and write a narrative character description of that person.
    e. Students will brainstorm and mind map ideas about the person under these titles: Their appearance, their communication skills, what they do well, and their spirituality. Te hanga ā-tinana, te whakawhiti kōrero, pūkenga, tōna ake wairua.
    h. The students will plan, order and sequence their work before writing. They need to think of a good introduction to entice the reader. This is an excellent opportunity for the teacher to incorporate kīwaha and whakatauākī pertaining to that person.
    i. Students write 5 -10 good sentences to describe that person.
  5. Share the poem Ahakoa he iti to the class or group of students. The students will listen and visualise who they think it is. They draw their sketch.
  6. Show the picture from the book to the students. The students compare their own drawings with the illustration. They share their thoughts and opinions of the illustration.


The students will be able to retell the story in a logical sequence.

The students will write a character description using the text.

The students will write a narrative text using sentence structures from the text.

He hononga ki tētahi atu He Kohikohinga

“Tīhei Mauriora!” He Kohikohinga 27

He hononga ki tētahi atu marautanga

Hauora i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa

He tauira (wh. 32)

Ka taea e te ākonga te whai tonu ngā mahi whakapakari tinana pārekareka ki a ia, me te whakaaro nui ki tōna wairua, tōna hinengaro, me te tinana.

The students can identify postive attributes in others.

Ki runga ^

Ngā hononga

Pāwhiria a konei mō ngā pārongo e pā ana ki te pukapuka.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Ngā whakaputanga tā o 'Mā te Pouako'

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