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Ngā kupu whakamārama

Te tekoteko parāoa

parāoa parai - flapjack bread. The dough, made with flow, very little rising, salt and water, is rolled out thinly and cooked in a frying pan.
whakapuaki - to say - ki, mea
rīwai - potato - parareka, taewa
pokepoke - to knead
kahikātoa - teatree berry
kākāriki - green lizard
kapo (-hia) - to snatch
whakahihi - to put on airs
korokē - fellow, chap - tāhae
pararē -- to shout - tiwaha, umere
maoa - cooked, ripe, ready to eat
aru (-mia) - to chase, follow
whiri - to plait

Te mahi rourou

kōrari - flax - harakeke
tīhae (-a) - to split
whati (ia) - fold or crease
ngātahi - together
pito pūtake - butt end -- tumu
whakapae - to lie across
takoto mua - to lie forward
taha matau - right-hand side
taha maui - left-hand side
raranga (rangaa, rangahia) - to weave
tatau (-ria) - to count
rourou - small food-basket - kono, pōhewa, pārao
poti - corner

He kōrero mō tēnei rākau onamata; mō te aute

rahirahi - thin, fine
kiri - bark, skin
Pēwhairangi - Bay of Islands
pueru - garment
mahinga - māra
tiketike - height - teitei
pihipihi - shoots

Te weranga o te Whare Pāremete

nui whakaharahara - enormous, of huge proportions
parekura - disaster
wetiweti - fearsome
pongere - smoulder
hōkai - to appear or shoot out suddenly
pahū - to burst out
pahure - to disappear
pūrena - heaped up, overflowing

E korero kau

ana tangi hotuhotu - to sob
māripi - knife
pani (-a) - to spread, smear on
kakati - to sting, smart
teka - to tell lies
ngātahi - together
inoi - to ask
ahu - to go in the direction of
He aha ia tē haere mai ai . ..? - Why did she not come?
neke haere - to move on
Ki te āhua o te hoe . . . - By the style of {his} rowing
kourua - kōrua
amo - to carry on the shoulder

He mahi noho kau

noho kaw } - Steer Riding
noho tia } - steer riding
pānui - advertisement
e whata ana - to be hanging
paraihe - prize
kei whati te kaki - I might break my neck whakakari - to strengthen (oneself) awatea - daylight, dawn
wiriwiri (-a) - tremble, shiver, shake
kaki - neck
tuarā - back (bone)
puihi - wild (from the bush)
pangopango - dark-coloured

Ki runga ^

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