I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka
Before Reading
1. Ohia manomanotia te kaupapa matua, arā, ko ngā rākau a Tūmatauenga. Tautohutia he aha ngā mea e hiahia ana ngā ākonga ki te mōhio mō ngā momo rākau a Tūmatauenga.
Brainstorm what students already know about weaponry. Students identify what they would like to find out about weaponry.
2. Pānuihia ētahi pūrākau mō te wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku. Ākina ngā ākonga kia matapaki i te mahi a Tūmatauenga.
Read some stories about the separation of Ranginui and Papatūānuku. Encourage the students to discuss the deeds of Tūmatauenga.
3. Whakamāramahia ētahi āhuatanga o te tuhinga whakaahua whānui, ā, whakaaturia ētahi tauira o ēnei āhuatanga ki ō ākonga. Hei tauira: ngā kupu ingoa, ngā kupu āhua, ngā kupumahi, me te reo ā-kaupapa.
Introduce your students to some of the language features of explanatory narrative texts and give them some examples. For example: nouns, adjectives, verbs, and words and expressions specific to an area of knowledge.