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Ngā kupu whakamārama


ahikouka edible base of the cabbage tree leaves.
akuni = akuanei soon apakura dirge, lament
awa karangaranga tributary
awau = ahau I, me


haua = momo kind of, variety
hērā = ērā those
Hokulea a Hawaiian waka that made the journey to Aotearoa and back to Hawaii.
Huinga o Matariki Constellation of Pleiades


kakao young godwit
kanapanapa shining
kāore tahi no
kāpiti cabbage
karoro white breasted godwit
kea = hūpē mucous
kore kau = hore kau no, none
kuaka godwit
kūkupa = kererū pigeon
kura red breasted godwit


māhititia kind of trap; sort according to size
mākā less tame, shy
manako desire, wish
mārara scatter
maru plenty, populated; protection, shade, shelter
mātāmua oldest child in family
matangi weeping continuously
mātatoru thick
matomato full of vigour
memeha weaken
mīti meat
muremure frequent


ngaki i te mate avenge a death, take vengeance
ngohengohe soft


nonohi = iti = paku small


Ohinemataroa river that flows from
Ruatoki to Whakatāne
onepū sandy beach


pahore be accomplished
papā din, loud noise
pārae level open country
paranihi next of kin
parekura people slain in battle; calamity, mishap
parenga bank (of river)
pēneki = pēnei like this
pīkai pī swarm, cluster of bees
pīkaokao = heihei hen
pōkehe method of, the way to proceed
pōrehurehu dimmed, misty
pōtiki youngest member of the family
pō whakapakakē a ritual that takes place the night after a burial, at the home of the deceased


rārata tame
Rarohenga Underworld
ripo diffuse, scatter


tahataha edge of bank
tāhuna seaside
Tā Hemi Henare Sir James Henare, A renowned elder from Ngāti Hine, who has since passed away
taimaha = taumaha heavy
takeo tiresome, wearisome
tamatoa warrior, soldier
tarai try
tāwāhi = rāwāhi overseas
tetere large, swollen (of udder), swift moving
tītaha bypass, lean to one side, pass on one side, sideways
tinihanga deceive, cheat, tease
toenga left over (of food)
totohu sink, submerge
tūpākihi shrubs
tūwatawata main fence of a pā, pallisade


wāpu wharf
wā pū best time
wāti = mātaki watch
wāwau make a noise, sound


whākana stare
whakatā rest
whakatakune intended
wharau flight, journey, voyage
whāwhā consider, to feel, to touch, tamper
whāwhārua valley
whenua tokahuka tundra
whīwhiwhi entangled

Ki runga ^

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