Ngā raruraru o Mihi
Nā Llyn Richards
Ko Ngā Raruraru o Mihi tētahi tuhinga tawhito mai i Te Wharekura 27 i te tau 1976. I ngā wā o mua, he kaiako a Llyn Richards, ki roto i te rohe o Te Whānau-a-Apanui, ā, nā Roka Paora ia i whāngai ki te reo Māori. Ko te tino tūmanako i taua wā, kia kite ngā ākonga i tēnei momo tuhinga kōmeke, a-tā, a-kupu hoki. He mahinga tauhou hoki tenei mō ngā tuhinga o Te Wharekura. E ai ki ngā kōrero a Llyn, "Nā Roka Paora ahau i akiaki, i whakatenatena ki te tuhi i aku kōrero i te reo Māori". Kua whakahoungia te āhua o ngā pikitia, engari he rite ngā kōrero me ngā ingoa o ngā tāngata. |
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Image: Woman with a ponytail (Mihi) waves to a man standing at a bus stop.
MIHI: Puti!
PUTI: Kia tere e Mihi! Kei te haere tāua ki te kanikani ā te pō nei. Kia tere!
Image: Mihi is putting on lip gloss while looking in a mirror. Another woman wearing a pounamu koru pendant stands behind her adjusting her hair. Both of their reflections are in the mirror.
MIHI: Kua kite anō koe i a Eru?
PUTI: Ae. He raruraru tōna. I kite au i a ia e mauria ana ki te whare pirihimana!
Image: The women are in a bar with a person in the background with a green shirt and purple tshirt underneath (Hēmi). The woman with the pounamu pendant is pulling Mihi towards her to take her to introduce them.
PUTI: Haere mai e Mihi. Kia tūtaki koe ki tēnei tangata. Ka pai kē ia!
PUTI: Ko Hēmi tēnei.
Image: The woman with the pounamu pendant has her back to the bar, where two drinks with ice are sitting. Mihi is standing facing her. Hēmi faces away in the foreground. Another man is standing in a distant doorway.
PUTI: Hei aha ia! Ānei kē te tangata pai. Ko Hēmi.
MIHI: E hika mā. Ki taku mōhio ko Eru tērā!
Image: Hēmi is talking to Mihi.
HEMI: Hei aha tēnā koretake! Haere mai. Me haere tāua ki tātahi mā runga i taku Holden SSV.
MIHI: Āe pea!
Image: Hēmi is driving a car. Mihi is sitting in the passenger's seat.
HEMI: Me peka atu tāua ki tērā wharekai, kātahi tāua ka hoki ki taku kāinga!
MIHI: Nē. Kei te pīrangi kē au ki te hoki ki te kāinga o Puti.
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Image: View from back seat of car of Mihi and man with green shirt and purple t-shirt. There is a vehicle in front of them.
MIHI: Tino waimarie au i tūtaki au i a koe I te pō nei.
HEMI: Āe. Māku e whakaatu atu te tāone nei ki a koe. Titiro mai. Ka whāia e tāua tērā motokā!
Image: Both Mihi and the man driving put their arms up in a defensive position.
MIHI: Hēmi kia tūpato! Ka tūtuki tāua! Auē! Taukuri ē!
Image: Hēmi leaps out of the car. Mihi is still in the car.
MIHI: Auē! Kua mau taku waewae! Hēmi! Hēmi!
HEMI: E noho koe ki konā. E haere ana au! Kei mau au e ngā pirihimana!
Image: A man is looking at Mihi, standing at the open door of the driver's side of the car.
MIHI: Eru?!
Image: Hēmi is leaning over the top of a car, with his arms behind him. A police officer stand behind him. There is a man in a red car speaking.
MIHI: Nā Puti i kōrero mai kua mau kē koe i te herehere. I kite ta i a koe e mauria ana ki te whare pirihimana!
ERU: Kei te pōhēhē rawa atu tēnā! Kei te tereina kē au hei pirihimana!
Image: The man is standing with Mihi and stroking her head as an ambulance arrives.
ERU: Anei te waka hei mau i a koe ki te hōhipera. Māku koe e tiaki ināianei!
MIHI: Ka pai tēnā.