I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
Ngohe 1
He aroā pānui. Anei ētahi pātai kei raro iho nei hei whakautu mā ngā ākonga. Ka taea hoki e ngā ākonga te tuhi rārangi pātai hei whakautu mā tētahi atu. Ka taea te tuku ēnei pātai ā-waha, ā-tuhi rānei. Kei roto i ngā taiepa ngā whakautu.
Reading comprehension. Here are some questions for students to answer. Students could also write their own questions for others to answer. These questions could be given as an oral or a written activity. The answers are in brackets.
- Ko wai ngā whenua tapu o te Moriori? (Rēkohu, Rangiaurii)
- Ko wai ētahi o ngā waka o te Moriori? (Poueriki, Tāne-roroa, Rangihoua, Rangimata, Oropuke)
- Ko wai te ingoa o te marae o Rēkohu? (Kopinga)
- E hia ngā imi Moriori? (E whitu.)
- He aha ngā kupu Moriori mō ēnei kupu Māori: iwi, whare tupuna, pou ariki, whaiwhaiā? (imi, wheau karapuna, pou ieriki, kanga)
- He aha ngā take matua i whawhai ai te imi Moriori i ngā wā o mua? (He wahine, he whenua)
- He aha te tikanga o te ture a Nunuku? (Kaua e whawhai kia mate rā anō te tangata.)
- He pēhea te āhua o te moutere o Rēkohu i aua wā? (Tirohia te whārangi 16 o te pukapuka mā te ākonga.)
- He aha ngā tino rerekētanga o te Moriori me te Māori? (Te reo, ngā momo waka, te hanga waka, ngā mahinga kai)
- He pēhea te āhua o te noho o te Moriori ki Rēkohu i ngā wā o mua? (Mā te ākonga e tuhi ōna ake whakaaro.)
Ngohe 2
Tautohua te kōrero matua mai i te tuhinga, kātahi ka tuhi i tētahi pānui whakamārama e whakaatu ana i ngā kōrero matua.
Identify main points from the text and present these points in an information brochure or on a poster.
Ngohe 3
Ka whakarongo ngā ākonga ki ngā rārangi kōrero kei raro nei mō te taenga atu o te imi Moriori me te taenga o iwi kē ki Rēkohu. Mā te pouako e pānui kia hē te raupapatanga. Mā ngā ākonga ngā kōrero e whakaraupapa kia hāngai ki tērā o te tuhinga.
Students listen to a list of sentences about the arrival of different groups to Rēkohu. Teachers should read the sentences out of order. Students put the sentences in the order that they appear in the book.
- I ngā tau 900–1100 ka tae atu te imi Moriori ki Rēkohu.
- E 2500 ngā tāngata Moriori i Rēkohu.
- Ka tau te ture a Nunuku ki te whenua o Rēkohu.
- I te tau 1791 ka tae atu te kaipuke HMS Chatham ki Rēkohu.
- I tae atu ngā kaipatu tohorā me ngā kaipatu kekeno.
- Ka pāngia ngā Moriori e te karawaka me te rewharewha.
- Kotahi mano, e ono rau ngā tāngata Moriori i Rēkohu.
Ngohe 4
Waihangatia mai tētahi pānui whakatairanga mō tētahi o ngā momo waka o te Moriori e whakatairanga ana i ōna painga, arā:
-Tuhia tētahi hoahoa o te waka.
-Tautohua ngā wāhanga o te waka.
-Whakamāramahia te mahi o ia wāhanga o te waka.
-Whakamāramahia ngā wāhi me ngā wā ka taea te whakamahi i te waka.
Mā ngā ākonga e waihanga hoki tētahi o ō rātou ake waka hei whakaatu ki te akomanga.
Design an advertisement for one of the Moriori waka that describes what it can do:
-A diagram of the waka.
-Identify the parts of the waka.
-Explain the purpose of each of the different parts of the waka.
-Explain when and where the waka can be used.
Students may wish to design their own waka as well to present to the class.
Ngohe 5
Tāruatia te mahere kei whārangi 16 o te pukapuka mā te ākonga, tohutohua ngā ākonga kia tuhi i ngā ingoa o ngā wāhi kei Rēkohu kei te mōhio rātou. Whai muri, me mahi ā-rōpū ngā ākonga ki te rangahau i ngā mahere o Rēkohu me te whakakī i tā rātou ake mahere ki te maha rawa o ngā mōhiotanga ka taea e rātou. Me whakaatu ēnei mahere ki te akomanga. Ko te hiahia, kia kikī ngā mahere a ngā rōpū i ngā momo kōrero pērā i ngā ingoa o ngā wāhi kei reira, te tawhiti mai i tētahi wāhi ki tētahi atu wāhi, me ngā wāhi hira.
Copy the map from page 16 and get the students to attempt to name all the places they have learned from the previous stories in the journal.
Get the students to research maps of Rēkohu in groups and to insert as much information as they can onto that map. They then present their map to the class with as much detail as they can find inserted onto it. Include such things as names of places, distances between places, and significant areas.
Ngohe 6
Tuhia he reta ki tētahi whanaunga e noho tonu ana ki Rēkohu ānō nei he tamaiti, he matua rānei koe nō runga i te waka i haere muna i waenganui pō. Whakamāramahia mai te take i wehe atu ai koe me ōu whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te wehenga atu i te haukāinga.
Write a letter to a relation who remained on Rēkohu as if you were a passenger on the boat that left. Let them know why you had to leave in secret. Tell them about your journey and how you feel about leaving home.
Ngohe 7
Titoa tētahi waiata, tētahi rotarota rānei ānō nei he whanaunga koe ki tētahi o ngā tāngata kua wehe atu i waenganui pō. Kei Rēkohu tonu koe e noho ana. Whakamāramahia ōu whakaaro i ngā āhuatanga i te whakareretanga o te rōpū wehe.
Compose a song or poem as if you are a relation of one of the families that left secretly in the middle of the night. You still live on Rēkohu. Describe your experience of when the group left.
Ngohe 8
Me rangahau ngā ākonga i ētahi kōrero tuku iho nō roto i ō rātou ake whānau.
Get students to research stories that have been handed down through the generations within their own families.
Ngohe 9
He mahi takitahi tēnei. Tuhia mai he rārangi wā e whakaatu ana i ngā tauwhāinga matua mā te imi Moriori mai i tō rātou taenga atu ki Rēkohu.
Get the students to make a timeline showing the significant events for the Moriori since their arrival on Rēkohu.
Ngohe 10
Mā ngā ākonga e rangahau tētahi tangata rongonui mai i Rēkohu. Kohia ngā kōrero, ka waihanga i ētahi whakaaturanga ā-hiko, he pukapuka rānei.
Students research a well known person from Rēkohu. Collate all the information and then present a computerised presentation or a book.