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I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka

Before Reading

1. Mā ngā ākonga e ohia manomano tō rātou mōhio mō te imi Moriori. Akiakina rātou ki te whakaputa i ō rātou whakaaro katoa – ahakoa he pai, ahakoa he kino rānei. Anei ētahi tauira pātai:

  • Ko wai te imi Moriori?
  • He aha tō rātou hononga ki ngā iwi Māori o Aotearoa?
  • He aha ngā ōritenga me ngā rerekētanga i waenganui i ngā iwi Māori me te imi Moriori?

Ka tuhia e ngā ākonga ō rātou ake pātai hei rangahau.

Students should brainstorm what they know about Moriori. Encourage them to share all their ideas. Here are some sample questions:

  • Who are the Moriori people?
  • What is their connection to New Zealand Māori?
  • What are the similarities and the differences between the Māori people and the Moriori people?

Students should then write their own questions about what they would like to find out about Moriori.

2. Whakamāramahia atu ki ngā ākonga ngā hītori o te imi Moriori. Whakaatuhia te pikitia o te tangata Moriori mai i te School Journal 1916 (tirohia Te Tautoko 67). Matapakihia he aha pea ngā pānga o ēnei tūmomo kōrero ki te imi Moriori.

Discuss with students the past of the Moriori people. Show students the picture of the Moriori person from the 1916 School Journal (see Te Tautoko 67). Discuss the past of the Moriori people with the students.

3.  Whakamārama atu ki ngā ākonga ngā āhuatanga o te kōrero taki. Whakamāramahia ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi, ā, hoatu ētahi tauira o ēnei āhuatanga ki a rātou (tirohia ngā whārangi o tēnei pukapuka). Hei tauira: te reo tohu wāmua, te reo raupapa, te reo tautoru, te reo tautahi, me ngā kupumahi.

Discuss recount texts with your students. Introduce your students to some of the features of recount texts and give them some examples. For example: past tense expressions, sequencing expressions, third-person voice, first-person voice, and verbs.

4. Whakaritea he tūtohi pātai. I mua i te pānui pukapuka, me whakatakoto pātai ngā ākonga e pā ana ki te kaupapa o te kōrero. I a rātou e pānui ana ka tuhi ngā ākonga i ō rātou whakaaro whakautu ki ō rātou ake whakaaro.

Create a questions table. Students pose questions they would like to know the answers to before they read the text and then they record any answers that they find in the text while they are reading.

Ki runga ^

Ngā hononga

Pāwhiria a konei mō ngā pārongo e pā ana ki te pukapuka

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

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