Ngā kupu whakamārama
ahi hiko electric stove
ahi murara gas stove
anga whakamua gaze or look forward
haehae to tear or cut, lacerate
hai hei
hau pakupaku light wind, breeze
hora i te tēpu set or lay the table
huhūngia he māti strike a match
hūware saliva
kāho pia beer keg
kai kei
kapuapua dried manuka leaves and twigs, brushwood
kōiwi poaka pork bone
koko scoop
koko tiriti sidestreet
kūha = hūha inner thigh
kuta kitā guitar
maitai rino iron
maka throw, toss
mapi mahere whenua map
meinga meana say
mōkarakara aroma of food
mūrere clever
ngiha lit, alight (a fire)
paepae para rubbish bin
pā hirahira castle
pāka park
paoa smoke (from a fire)
para rubbish, refuse
paraoa takakau unleavened bread
parea atu tō tuarā place your back toward
pātuki beat, jab, thrust
pēteri motokā car battery
pongaihu nostril
poroakitia asked, invited
pūhutihuti shaggy, unkempt
pupū ake well up, bubble forth
raima concrete
rātau rātou
ririki small, little
rūrū tō mahunga shake your head
tahu ahi light a fire
tahunga ahi fireplace, grate
takariri anger
tangata horomi hoari sword swallower
tao = tunu to cook
tarea taea able to be or can be done
tauera horoi pereti tea towel
tīkaro prise
tīraha whakamuri lie back, relax
tīraurau tea leaves
toe remaining, left over
toitoi move quickly, to trot
tūruhi tourist
wāhi pākehā noanei a small (in stature) person
whakaharakore look innocent
whakanonohia to place or sit into
whakapae accuse
whakauhi to cover over
whākoakoa sighing (of the wind)
whare taone townhouse or flat