Ko Sam Perrett, he Kaitākaro Rīki
nā Jordan Waiti
Hei whakarāpopoto
He kōrero tēnei mō Sam Perrett.
This is a biography of Sam Perrett.
Te momo reo tuhi |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
1. Pānuihia te kōrero. Waihangatia mai he tuhinga aroā mā tō hoa. Whakaarohia kia 10 ngā pātai. Hei tauira:
- Nō hea a Sam?
- I tipu ake ia i hea?
- He aha ngā whāinga o Sam mō te tau e heke mai nei?
- E ai ki a Sam, he aha te tino take kua eke ia ki te taumata mō te tākaro rīki?
Ka oti i te tuhinga aroā, whakawhitihia ki tō hoa. Waihangatia kia kotahi te tuhinga aroā mō te akomanga.
Read the text. Design a comprehension test for one of your friends. Think of 10 questions. For example:
- Where is Sam from?
- Where did Sam grow up?
- What is Sam aiming to achieve next year?
- What does Sam believe got him to where he is today?
When finished, students swap tests and mark each others responses. Create a single test from all questions for the class.
2. Tāngia he pikitia e kapi ana i ngā kōrero matua mō te tangata nei, a Sam.
Design a poster that shows all the key information about Sam.
3. He mahi ā-rōpū tēnei. Mā ngā ākonga e whakaraupapa te tūtohi e whai iho nei. Honotia mārika ngā wāhanga e toru.
Working in groups, students reorganise the table below in order. Match each column correctly.
Tā te Pouako
Momo kupu | Whakamārama | Tauira |
Kupu āhua | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te āhua o tētahi tangata, o tētahi mea rānei. | I whiwhi ia i tētahi hāte tauwhāinga Kiwi. |
Kupu mahi | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te mahi a te tangata, a tētahi mea rānei. | Kei te maumahara ia i aua wā i te tākaro rātou i roto i te hukapapa. |
Kupu honohono | He kupu e hono ana i tētahi rerenga ki tētahi. | Kāore ōna pūtu, ā, i mau tarau poto ia. |
Kupu ingoa | He kupu e tautuhi ana i te ingoa o tētahi tangata, wāhi, aha kē atu. | I eke ngā Pīkaokao ki te taumata o te whiringa whāiti o te NRL. |
Kupu kare ā-roto | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te wairua, i te pū o roto o tētahi tangata. | Kei te hiahia ia ki te āwhina i tōna whaiāipo ki āna mahi. |
Tā te ākonga
Momo kupu | Whakamārama | Tauira |
Kupu āhua | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te wairua, i te pū o roto o tētahi tangata. | Kei te maumahara ia i aua wā i te tākaro rātou i roto i te hukapapa. |
Kupu mahi | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te mahi a te tangata, a tētahi mea rānei. | I eke ngā Pīkaokao ki te taumata o te whiringa whāiti o te NRL. |
Kupu ingoa | He kupu e tautuhi ana i te ingoa o tētahi tangata, wāhi, aha kē atu. | Kāore ōna pūtu, ā, i mau tarau poto ia. |
Kupu honohono | He kupu e whakaatu ana i te āhua o tētahi tangata, o tētahi mea rānei. | I whiwhi ia i tētahi hāte tauwhāinga Kiwi. |
Kupu kare ā-roto | He kupu e hono ana i tētahi rerenga ki tētahi. | Kei te hiahia ia ki te āwhina i tōna whaiāipo ki āna mahi. |