Kia Tau te Rangimārie
nā Terry Fitzgibbon ngā kōrero, nā Pita Tīpene i whakamāori
Hei whakarāpopoto
He kōrero tēnei mō tētahi tama, ko Hēmi tōna ingoa. Ko te rā huritau o Hēmi. I te rāwekeweke a Hēmi i ngā kōpae waiata a tōna tuakana, a Riki. Ka tupu te totohe i waenganui i a rāua nā āna mahi. Kia kore ai a Hēmi e uru ki te hē, ka haere i te taha o ōna hoa ki te whakaheke ngaru. He pai te whakaheke ngaru ki a Hēmi. Heoi anō, i te mutunga ka tae atu a Riki me tētahi Ipod hei perehana mā Hēmi, ā, ka tau te rangimārie i waenganui i a rāua.
This is a story about a young boy, Hēmi. It is his birthday. He’s fiddling with the cds of his older brother, Riki. They have a dispute about it. So Hēmi doesn’t get in to trouble, he goes off surfing with his friends. Hēmi likes surfing. However, in the end, Riki arrives with an Ipod present for Hēmi and they settle things between them.
Te momo reo tuhi |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
1. Ohia manomanotia ngā momo whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā ākonga me ōna tuākana, ōna tungāne, ōna tuāhine, ōna tēina, ōna uri, me ōna hoa.
Brainstorm different types of relationships the students have with their brothers, sisters, cousins and/or friends.
2. Pānuihia te kōrero. Tuhia he whakaari mō te whanaungatanga i waenganui i a Hēmi rāua ko Riki. Ko ēhea ngā wāhanga e mātua whakamārama ana i tēnei whanaungatanga?
Read the story, than get the students to go and write a play about the relationships between Hēmi and Riki. What parts of the text best describe their relationships?
3. Pānuihia te kōrero. Tautohua kia rua ngā reo whakaahua. Tuhia ērā reo whakaahua ki tētahi tuhinga e whakamārama ana i te whanaungatanga i waenganui i te ākonga me tētahi o ōna whanaunga, ōna hoa rānei.
Read the story. Identify two descriptive language forms. Use the two language forms to describe the relationship between the student and another relative or a friend.
4. Āta tirohia te tūtohi e whai iho nei. Whakamahia tō pukapuka papakupu, tautohua he kupu taurite, he whakamāramatanga ōrite rānei ki tā ngā kupu i te tūtohi.
Discuss the words in the following chart below and identify an additional word or explanation using available dictionaries.
Te kupu mai i te kōrero | Kupu taurite |
rāti iho | rere atu |
riuroa | hōro |
koromatua | kōnui |
whatanga | wāhi pupuri taputapu |
nanakia anō | waimārie rawa |
matara | taratara |
rikarika | riri |
whērikotanga | kānapanapa |
āmai | pukepuke o te moana |
kōawaawa | pukupuku |
ruarangi | pae |
nehutai | rehutai |
e tūpuhi ana! | e pukepuke ana! |
tungou | tohu ā-māhunga |
toropuke | puke |
kiritai | hūtu kaukau |
katakata | matimati |
peia | panaia |
kihakiha | whakahā whakaroto |
hāwiniwini | wiriwiri |
tiwha | kōrapa |
kanohi | karu |
rorea | kukume o te tai |
ripo | āwhiowhio |
kōrure | huri kē |
kōriparipa | rere |
kapekape | tere |
karetai | ngaru iti |
terenga ake | putanga |
hūmenge | rūkahu |
hūiti | hūtu |