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I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka

Before Reading

Ka taea te whakamahi i te katoa o ēnei ngohe mō te pukapuka. Ko tā te pouako mahi he matapae i ngā uauatanga kei mua i ngā ākonga i mua i tā rātou pānui, ā, me mōhio hoki te pouako he aha ngā whāinga o te pānui pukapuka mō te rōpū, mō te ākonga rānei.

These activities may be used for all of the stories in the book. Teachers should predict what aspects of the stories will challenge the students and know what the reading objectives are for the group or the student.

1. Ohia manomanotia me ngā ākonga ō rātou mōhiotanga mō ngā kōrero nō Te Tai Tokerau, nō tō rātou ake iwi rānei. Ka mutu, matapakihia ō rātou whakaaro ka wānanga mō ngā āhuatanga o Te Tai Tokerau, mō ō rātou ake iwi rānei. Hei tauira: ngā kōrero o neherā, ngā momo mita, me ngā tāngata rongonui.

Work with the students to brainstorm what they already know about the stories from Te Tai Tokerau or information related to their own iwi. For example: myths and legends, dialectal difference, famous people.

2. Rapua he mahere o ngā iwi o Aotearoa, ka akiaki i ngā ākonga ki te kimi i ngā hapū i Te Tai Tokerau. Ākina rātou ki te rapu i ngā momo iwi puta noa i Aotearoa. Ka taea te tiki mahere mai i te paetukutuku o TAKOA, arā, www.takoa.co.nz/iwi_maps.htm

Look at a map of the iwi of Aoteareoa and encourage the students to locate and identify the hapū in Te Tai Tokerau. Encourage them to look at iwi within Aotearoa. A map can be found on the TAKOA website: www.takoa.co.nz/iwi_maps.htm

3. Whakamārama atu ki ngā ākonga ngā āhuatanga o te tuhinga mō tētahi tangata. Whakamāramahia ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi. Hei tauira: te reo tohu wāmua, te reo raupapa, te reo tautoru, te kōrero whakawhiti, me ngā kupu mahi.

Talk to the students about biographies. Introduce some of the features of this language style and give them some examples. For example: past tense expressions, sequencing expressions, writing in the third-person, dialogue, and verbs.

Ki runga ^

Ngā hononga

Pāwhiria a konei mō ngā pārongo e pā ana ki te pukapuka.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

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