Valentine Irwin: Kaitā Pōtaka (wh. 22–32)
nā Stephanie Tibble
He whakarāpopototanga
He uiuinga tēnei ki a Valentine Irwin. Kei roto hoki ētahi kōrero mō tōna whakapakeketanga, ōna whakaaro mō tāna māhi, ōna pūkenga hoki i roto i te mahi tā pōtaka.
This is an interview with Valentine Irwin. It includes stories of when he was growing up, his thoughts about his work, and his skills in tā pōtaka.
Te momo reo tuhi Language style |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi Features of this language style |
Hei tauira: - I tipu ake au ki Te Wairoa... (wh. 23) - E ono, e whitu tau rānei taku pakeke... (wh. 23) - I whānau mai au i te tau 1950… (wh. 23)
Hei tauira: - Nōnahea koe i tīmata ai ki te tā pōtaka? (wh. 23) - Ka pūhuki te moka o te koeko … (wh. 25) - I taua wā i roto au i tētahi whare ... (wh. 29)
Hei tauira: - ko tā mātau mahi he reihi i ā mātau pōtaka … (wh. 23) - he māmā noa iho te kawe ki hea noa nei (wh. 24) - ka taea te hanga pōtaka … (wh. 25) |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
1. Kōwhiria tētahi tangata e rata ana ki a koe. Tuhia tētahi kōrero taki mō te tangata me āna mahi kua tutuki pai. Anei ētahi pātai hei tautoko:
- Ko wai te tangata?
- Nō hea ia?
- He aha tana mahi?
- He aha ōna whāinga?
- I tutuki pai ērā whāinga?
- Ko wai ngā tāngata i tautoko i a ia ki te whakatutuki i ōna whāinga?
- He aha ōna tino hiahia mō ngā rā kei te heke mai?
Choose a person who inspires you. Write a biography of this person and their achievements. Here are some questions to assist:
- Who is the person?
- Where are they from?
- What do they do?
- What are their goals?
- Have they achieved those goals?
- Who has supported them to achieve their goals?
- What are their wishes for the future?
2. Waihanga mai tētahi rārangi pātai hei uiui i tētahi tangata. Āta whakaarohia ngā pātai. Uia taua tangata, ā, whakaaturia āu kitenga ki te akomanga.
Create a questionnaire to interview a person. Prepare the questions carefully. Interview the person and present your findings to the class.