He Tākaro Kare Pōtaka (wh. 2–7)
nā Wiremu Kaa
He whakarāpopototanga
I ngā tau o te Pakanga Tuarua, ka whakaaro ngā pakeke o Te Whānau a Kahu i te rohe o Matakaoa, ki te whakatū i tētahi whakataetae ngahau hei whakakoakoa i te wairua o te haukāinga. He wā pōuri hoki i heke mai i roto i ngā mamae kino i pakaru mai i ngā pakanga o te whawhai nui. Nā te huhua o ngā tangi mō ngā whanaunga i hinga i tawhitinui, me te rite tonu o te tau o te pūeru pōuri ki waenganui i te whānau, i waihangatia tēnei whakataetae.
During the Second World War, the elders of Te Whānau a Kahu, in the Matakaoa district, decided to hold a competition to cheer the spirits of the local community. Sorrow had descended as the tragic events in the great battles became known. Mourning for relatives who had fallen far away had caused a cloak of sorrow to lie on local families, so this competition was planned.
Te momo reo tuhi Language style |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi Features of this language style |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
1. Ohia manomanotia tētahi mahi, kēmu, tākaro rānei o tōu rohe. Whakamahia ēnei pātai:
- I ahu mai te mahi, kēmu, tākaro i hea?
- He aha ngā ture hei tākaro?
- Ngā wāhi tākaro?
- Kei hea ētahi atu wāhi e pai ana te mahi i te kēmu?
Rangahaua ngā whakautu, kātahi ka tuhia he pānui whakamārama mō te kēmu.
Brainstorm an activity, game, or sport played in your community. Ask the following questions:
- Where is the activity/game/sport from?
- What are the rules of the game?
- Where is it played?
- Where else would it be good to play the game?
Research the answers, then write a brochure about the game.
2. He mahi ā-rōpū tēnei, kia 4–5 ki ia rōpū. Waihangatia mai he whakataetae. Mā ia rōpū e whakahaere te whakataetae. Whakaarohia ēnei pātai hei wānanga:
- He aha te whakataetae?
- He aha ngā ture o te whakataetae?
- Ko wai mā ngā rōpū whakataetae?
- Me pēhea te whakarite tangata hei kaiwhakawā?
Whakaritea mai he whakaaturanga e whakamārama ana i ngā pātai.
Work in groups of 4–5. Plan a competition. Each group runs a competition. Consider these questions:
- What is the competition?
- What are the rules of the competition?
- Who are the competing groups?
- How are the judges selected?
Prepare a presentation explaining these questions.
3. Pānuihia te kōrero. Whakaarohia ētahi pātai mō ngā kaupapa matua o te tuhinga. Hei tauira: He aha i whakatūria ai tēnei whakataetae? E ai ki a Rērē, he aha te tino take o āna pōtaka? Nā te aha i whakatūria ai te whakataetae? Ko wai te rōpū tāne i tū ki ngā whakataetae? Ka tīkina atu ngā rawa hei hanga i ngā pōtaka mai i hea? Ko wai i whakaaro tuatahi kia hangaia tēnei whakataetae?
Read the text. Think of some questions about the main ideas in the text. For example: Why was this competition held? According to Rērē, what was the main feature of his pōtaka? What was the purpose of the competition? Who was the male group in the competition? Where were the materials to make pōtaka gathered? Who originally thought of having this competition?