Tutina Pasene
nā Kānia Worsley
He whakarāpopototanga
E kōrero ana tēnei tuhinga mō te tangata nei a Tutina Pasene. He uri ia nō ngā moutere o Rarotonga, o Alofi , o Niue, o Tahiti hoki. He kaiwhakahaere, he kaihanga tauira ia mō tana kamupene hanga kākahu.
This is a brief biography about Tutina Pasene. She descends from Rarotonga, Alofi, and Tahiti. She is a manager and designer in her own family designer clothing business.
Te momo reo tuhi |
Ētahi āhuatanga o tēnei momo reo tuhi |
I te Ākonga e Pānui ana i te Pukapuka
During Reading
1. Whakamahia tēnei tuhinga kōrero mō te tangata me ētahi atu e pērā ana i roto i ngā kohinga Te Tautoko. Whakamāramahia ngā ākonga ki ngā momo reo o te tuhinga taki whānui me te tuhinga mō te tangata. Matapakina ngā āhuatanga reo o tēnei momo tuhinga, kātahi ka rapu i ngā tauira o te reo tautoru me te reo whakaahua.
Using this biography and other biographies from the Te Tautoko series, introduce students to the language style
of factual recounts and biographies. Discuss the language features of this genre and then find examples of third person and descriptive language.
2. Kōwhirihia tētahi pakeke o te whānau, he hoa pakeke rānei ka tuhituhi kōrero mōna.
Ask students to choose an older family member or older family friend and write a biography about that person’s life.
3. Mā ngā ākonga tētahi kahu noa, tētahi kākahu rānei e waihanga mō rātou ake. Me ngana rātou ki te hono i ētahi āhuatanga whakapapa ki ētahi āhuatanga o ēnei rā, kia motuhake te tauira ka hangā. Me matua āhei ngā ākonga ki te whakamārama i te whakahiwatanga o ā rātou tauira. Nā te aha ai i kōwhirihia te waihanga pērā ki tēnei kahu, ki tēnā kākahu rānei? Ki hea mau haere ai tērā? He aha tā rātou tapanga mō tō rātou mea?
Have students design a single item of clothing or an entire outfit that they would wear. They should try to incorporate elements of their whakapapa with modern day design elements to create a unique piece. Students must be able to explain the inspiration for their design. Why did they choose to design this particular item of clothing or outfit? Where would they wear it? What might they name their piece?