I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka
Before Reading
1. Ohia manomanotia te pukapuka nei. Wānangahia, tuhia ngā mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga mō ngā kaupapa ki runga pepa nui. Me tautohu ngā ākonga i tētahi ariā matua, kupu matua rānei. Ka whakarōpū ngā whakaaro ōrite. Mai i ngā whakaaro ka matapae ngā ākonga i ngā mōhiotanga ka ako i te pukapuka nei me tā rātou e hiahia ana. Ka whakaupokotia pēnei, ‘He aha tā tātou e hiahia ana ki te ako?’
Discuss and write what the students already know about each topic on a large piece of paper. Ask students to record their responses, writing one key idea or keyword. Group the ideas or words into similar themes. Based on their discussions, have students predict what they think they will learn from the text and what they want to find out from the text. Name it ‘He aha tā tātou e hiahia ana ki te ako?
2. Tuhia ki te pepa, ‘Kua ako kētia e au’ ki tētahi taha, ‘Kua ākona e au’ ki tētahi atu taha. I mua i te pānui, ka tuhia e ngā ākonga ō rātou mōhiotanga mō te kaupapa ki te taha ‘Kua mōhio kētia e au’.
Write on a sheet of paper ‘Kua ako kētia e au’ on one column and ‘Kua ākona e au’ on the other column. Before reading, students write down what they know about the topic and, what they want to know in the ‘Kua mōhio kētia e au’ column.
3. Kōrero mō ngā rotarota. Matapakina ngā momo āhuatanga reo, arā, te huarite, te whakatangata, te huahuatau, te orokati tārua, te oro puare tārua, te tāruaruatanga, te tātorutanga, te ororite kia kite ai mehemea e taea e rātou ngā āhuatanga reo nei te tautuhi.
Talk about poems. Discuss the features of these language styles: rhyme, personification, metaphor, alliteration, assonance, repetition, triplication, and onomatapoeia. Can the students identify any of these features?
4. Kōrero mō ngā tuhinga taki whānui. Whakaakona ēnei āhuatanga reo, arā, te reo tautoru, te reo wāmua, te reo raupapa, ngā kupu mahi, me ngā kupu kōrero a tētahi.
Talk about factual recounts. Introduce the features of factual recounts: third person, past tense expressions, sequencing expressions, verbs, and quotations.