He Kupu Whakataki
"Ko te reo Māori te kākahu o te whakaaro, te huarahi i te ao tūroa."
nā Tā Hēmi Henare, 1984
Ko te huinga pukapuka Te Papatipuhe kohinga kōrero nō neherā, nō ēnei rangi tonu e hāngai ana ki te hunga rangatahi. E hāngai ana ngā pukapuka Te Papatipuki ngā ākonga kei ngā tau 9–10. Ko te arotahinga o tēnei putanga ko ngā manu tukutuku.
Te Papatipu series is a collection of historical and contemporary stories intended for an adolescent audience. Te Papatipu is intended for students in years 9–10. This issue focuses on ngā manu tukutuku.