Ngā kupu whakamārama
āpure pūhā cluster, bunch of pūhā
ngawī squeal
hai = hei
hāwini follower, servant
hohoro hurry
hopa sofa
hopu hau catch the breath
huare saliva, spittle
kai = kei
kamakama = kakama quick, agile, able
kato gather
keko wink
kīrehe animal
kiritata close relation
kōawaawa valley
kōkara mother
koutu scoop
mānu floating
maripi knife
matomato lush, green
mūrere cunning, knowing in a secretive way
okea ururuatia strive, put all one's strenght to the task
pākiri show teeth, to grin
pāokaoka cutlery
paoro bump into
pāorooro echoing
pēhi press
pereti plate
pīopio rock or sway to and fro
pirihō fleece-o, wool handler
pōuriuri kenekene very dark or black
pōwaiwai wave (of hand)
pūhā pororua smooth leaved sow thistle
pūhā tiotio prickly sow thistle
pūhuki blunt, dull
pūnatinati prickle
pūtake root, cause of
putē protrude (of the eye)
rahaki = tahaki to one side
raima lime, concrete
rapa = rapu search, look for
rapaki slope, incline (of hill)
rehu(a) dust, dusty
rō = roto in, inside
ruha worn out
takai wrap, enfold
tame male
tatangi clatter
taunaki support, lean on
tipu kōti gorse shoot
tohetaka dandelion plant
tohopūhake well up, overflow
tukemata eyebrow
tupere pout (of lips)
tūruhi tourist
tūturi kneel
uwha female
waero tail
wairangi confused
wetekina remove
whakawhirinaki getting to know
whākoakoa utter
whatē = whatero stare
whātete staring
whaketere factory
wheoro bend, sag under a weight