I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka
Before Reading
1. Ohia manomanotia te pukapuka. Wānangahia, kātahi ka tuhi i ngā mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga mō ngā kaupapa ki runga pepa nui. Me tautohu ngā ākonga i tētahi ariā matua, i tētahi kupu matua rānei. Ka whakarōpū i ngā whakaaro ōrite, kātahi ka matapae ngā ākonga i ngā mōhiotanga tērā pea ka ako i te pukapuka nei me tā rātou e hiahia ana kia ako. Ka whakaupokotia pēnei, “He aha tā tātou e hiahia ana ki te ako?” “Kua ako kētia e au” ki tētahi taha, “Kua ākona e au” ki tētahi atu taha. I mua i te pānui, ka tuhia e ngā ākonga ō rātou mōhiotanga mō te kaupapa ki te taha “Kua ako kētia e au”.
Brainstorm about the book. Discuss and write what the students already know about the topics on a large sheet of paper. Students write one key idea or word. Group the ideas or words into similar themes. Using their discussions and ideas students predict what they think they will learn from the text and what they want to find out. Name it “He aha tā tātou e hiahia ana ki te ako?” “Kua ako kētia e au” on one column and “Kua ākona e au” on the other. Before reading, students write down what they know about the topic in the “Kua ako kētia e au” column.
2. Whakamāramahia ētahi tikanga haurongo, ka whakaatu i ētahi tauira (tirohia ngā whārangi o tēnei pukapuka). Hei tauira, te reo tohu wāmua, te reo raupapa, te reo tautoru, te reo tautahi, me ngā kupumahi.
Explain the features of a biography, the language style and give them some examples (see the pages of this book). For example, markers of past tense, sequencing expressions, third person, first person point of view, and verbs.
3. Tirohia he mahere whenua o Amerika kia kite i ngā wāhi noho o mua o ngā tāngata taketake. (Tirohia http://www.native-languages.org/states.htm)
Look at a map of America to identify the places indigenous peoples inhabited in the past. (See http://www.native-languages.org/states.htm)