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Te Tautoko Ministry of Education.

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He Kupu Whakataki


Ko te huinga pukapuka a Te Tautoko he kohinga kōrero nō neherā, nō ēnei rangi tonu e hāngai ana ki te hunga rangatahi. Ka whai atu a Te Tautoko i te huinga pukapuka a He Kohikohinga, ā, ka hāngai ki ngā ākonga i ngā Tau 7–8. Ko te arotahinga o tēnei putanga ko te iwi Moriori. Ko te kaupapa matua ia, he whakatika i ngā pōhēhētanga e rērere ana mō te iwi nei.

The Te Tautoko series is a collection of historical and contemporary stories compiled to appeal to a rangatahi audience. It follows on from the He Kohikohinga series and is intended for students in Tau 7–8. This issue focuses on the Moriori and aims to dispel some of the commonly held misconceptions about the Moriori people that continue to exist to this day.

Te Whainga o tenei pukapuka


He mea waihanga tēnei pukapuka hei tautoko i ngā pouako ki te:

  • tautohu hononga ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
  • whakahāngai i ngā kōrero o te putanga nei ki tā te kura hōtaka reo matatini
  • whakawhānui i ngā horopaki, me ngā whakamahinga o tēnei pukapuka mā te whakatauira i ngā momo ngohe ako
  • tīpako i ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga e arotahitia ana me te tautohu i ngā rautaki ako hei whāngai i ēnei āhuatanga ki te ākonga.

The notes are designed to support teachers to:

  • identify the appropriate links with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
  • identify possible ways in which to apply the text to school literacy programmes
  • extend the context and application possibilities of the text through learning activities
  • highlight the skills and knowledge that is being focused on and identify possible learning strategies.

He Hononga ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Curriculum Links

Koia nei ētahi hononga ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, nō ngā wāhanga ako o Te Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, me Hauora. Mā te pouako tonu e whiriwhiri ko ēhea ngā wāhanga ako me ngā whāinga paetae hei whakaako māna.

Here are some links to the Te Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, and Hauora learning areas. Pouako should select learning areas and learning objectives appropriate for their students.

Te Taumata

Te Wāhanga Ako

Te Whenu

Ngā Whāinga Paetae

3 Te Reo Māori


(āheinga reo)

Ka tautohu, ka tā i ngā tino āhuatanga

o ngā momo reo tuhi, reo tā maha.

3 Tikanga ā-Iwi Te Ao Hurihuri

Ka whakamārama i te whakaawenga

o ngā whakaaro me ngā mahi a te

tangata i te oranga o ētahi atu i ngā wā o mua.

4 Te Reo Māori


(āheinga reo)

Ka tīpako i ngā āhuatanga o ngā

momo reo tuhi hei whakaniko i ngā

tuhinga pono me ngā tuhinga auaha

4 Te Reo Māori


(rautaki reo)

Ka whakamahi i ētahi rautaki

rangahau mō te huhua o ngā take.

4 Hauora Taiao

Ka whakataurite i ngā ture, i ngā

tikanga rānei o te ao

Pākehā, o te ao Māori, o hea ake rānei, e pā ana ki te

mahi a te tangata i roto i te taiao.

He Tirohanga Whanui me nga Ahuatanga Reo

Overview of Stories and their language features

E waru ngā kōrero o roto i te pukapuka Te Tautoko 67. Kei ngā whārangi e whai ake nei, he paku whakamārama mō ia kōrero, kua tohua te momo reo tuhi, ōna āhuatanga, me ētahi tauira nō roto tonu i te pukapuka. Ko te whāinga, kia āhei ngā ākonga ki te torotoro i te whānuitanga o ngā momo reo tuhi me ngā āhuatanga o tēnā, o tēnā momo tuhituhi.

There are eight stories in the book Te Tautoko 67. The following pages provide a brief overview of each story, the language style, features of that language style, and some examples from the story. The intention is that students will begin to gain an understanding of the range of language styles and their features.

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Ngā hononga

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