I Mua i te Pānui Pukapuka
Whakaakona ngā kupu hou ki ngā ākonga i mua i tō hōatu i te pukapuka. Tākarohia te kēmu, mahia te korikori tinana, kia tino mārama ai ngā kupu hou i mua i te pānui i te pukapuka.
Ka taea te whakamahi i te katoa o ēnei pātai e whai ake nei mō ngā pukapuka e whā.
Teach the new vocabulary to the students before giving them the books. Play the games, or do the activities, so that students have a good understanding of any new vocabulary before they meet them in the text.
The discussion items below may be applied to all four students’ books.
Te Matapaki
1. Tirohia te uhi o te pukapuka, ā, matapakihia ngā āhuatanga o roto, pērā i te taitara, ngā pikitia, te kaupapa, me te ingoa o te kaituhi.
2. Matapakihia ngā mea e mōhio kētia ana e ngā ākonga mō te kaupapa o te pukapuka.
3. Matapakihia ngā kiripuaki i roto i te pukapuka. Ko wai rātou? He aha ā rātou mahi?
4. Matapakihia ngā rerenga kōrero, ngā kīanga, me ngā kīwaha kei roto i te pukapuka.
5. Matapakihia ngā kupu hou kei roto i te pukapuka.
1. Look at the cover of the book. Discuss the things the students can see there such as the title, the pictures, the topic, and the name of the author.
2. Discuss students' prior knowledge of the topic of the book.
3. Discuss the characters in the book. Who are they? What are they doing?
4. Discuss any language features that are in the book.
5. Discuss any unfamiliar words that may be in the book.