He Tirohanga Whānui me ngā Āhuatanga Reo
E whā ngā pukapuka kua tohua mō tēnei rauemi, arā, Ko Wai te Toa?, Kia Tūpato Marama!, Poutoti, me Ōku Ringaringa. Kei te taumata Harakeke ngā pukapuka katoa. Kei ngā whārangi e whai ake nei, he paku whakamārama mō ia pukapuka. Kua tohua te momo reo tuhi, ōna āhuatanga, me ētahi tauira nō roto tonu i ia pukapuka. Ko te whāinga, kia āhei ngā ākonga ki te torotoro i te whānuitanga o ngā momo reo tuhi me ngā āhuatanga o tēnā momo tuhituhi, o tēnā momo tuhituhi.
I te taumata Harakeke, e rua ngā tino mahi hei tautoko i te ākonga e ako ana ki te pānui pukapuka. Tuatahi, ko te tautoko i tāna i ako ai i ngā āhuatanga (ā-tuhi, ā-tangi) o te arapū. Tuarua, ko te tautoko i tāna i ako ai i ngā kupu ka kitea e ia i ngā pukapuka.
Overview of the Stories and their Language Features
There are four titles in this resource, they are Ko Wai te Toa?, Kia Tūpato Marama!, Poutoti, and Ōku Ringaringa. The following pages provide a brief overview of each story, the language style and its associated language features, with examples from each story. The intention is that students will begin to gain an understanding of the range of language styles and features.
At Harakeke level, students’ literacy acquisition requires support in two main areas. Firstly, they need to learn the alphabet and alphabet concepts. Secondly, they require support to learn the vocabulary and structures associated with the text they are reading.